Diet and fitness are tools that will assist in climbing out from the swamp of depression, to eventually stand on solid ground.
Building confidence by participating in a physical activity, has proven to assist in this development.
So why rock climbing, how can it help?
Rock Climbing is viewed as an exciting yet challenging physical sport.
This form of physical activity concentrates on the development of grit and determination.
Pushing through that mental block of "I can't do that" invites a growth mindset.
Often depression causes individuals to feel isolated. It's a challenge to find practical activities that support those with anxiety to engage and build friendships.
Thankfully you don't have to go hiking hours through the bush, trying to find a wall to climb, to benefit from this activity.
For the past 11 years our team at Base Zero have been helping people create a positive impact in their life, by providing mobile rock climbing walls to organisations throughout Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane.
Our team has witnessed 1000's of people take a step out of their comfort zone, and push themselves a little farther than they would normally.
Out team help build self-confidence and encourage positive social interactions, by focusing on:
Supporting others in a team environment.
Building on trust with others.
Breaking down the feeling of isolation.
Finding comfort in self-worth.
Encouraging a growth mindset.